Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Just Wanna Love The Hell Out Of People

I have always struggled over why some evangelicals claim certain denominations of Christianity are not actually Christians and therefore are not saved.

Friends, pastors, and others I hardly know have gone to great lengths to explain why these "others" aren't saved, which in itself causes me to wonder why we are spending time debunking denominations that believe at the core, that Jesus is God and he died for us.

I think I just want to love the hell out of people.


  1. As an outsider looking in, this is one of the many behaviors that turns people off from the church. I think it is a trick the devil plays. Because the moment you think "we are in and they aren't", you have tried to put yourself or your group in a seat of honor, not a good idea (see Luke 14:7).
    The best thing we can do as Christians and humans is to focus on what we have in common, and as you said "love the hell out of each other."

  2. "By this all men will know you are my disciple, if you love one another." John 13:35
